Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Jernelle Jno Baptiste

It’s the last week of Women’s History Month and I just had to do something to celebrate! As a woman in data, I think it’s important to connect with other women like me, but I also think it’s important to show others the diversity in data professions. You could be an analyst, an engineer, a scientist, and much more. Data professionals also work in different industries and solve a plethora of problems and I hope to underscore this with my Women’s History Month posts. This month I reached out to a number of women in data who are of Caribbean heritage, and I’m excited to share about them, what they do and their advice to other women and girls who are interested in working with data. This post is a short interview and spotlight feature on Jernelle Jno Baptiste, a Health Care Data Analyst in the Insurance industry. Jernelle is from the Commonwealth of Dominica.

How would you describe yourself?

My name is Jernelle Jno Baptiste (pronounced John Baptist). I often describe myself as a Jane of many trades, ranging from technology, photography, entrepreneurship, and even culinary. I am driven, optimistic, and creative.

How do you use data to solve problems at work or in everyday life?

I use data to monitor trends in our systems and identify patterns to improve overall efficiency. My role also consists of data auditing to ensure that our data is accurate to produce optimal results and the documentation of various IS processes to assist my department.

How did you get into the data world?

I’ve always had a knack for technology; however, I discovered my passion for data whilst pursuing my undergraduate degree in Management Information Systems. During a Data Visualization class, I learned that Data could do so much more than create graphs. We could use data to predict trends and use that information to augment our strategies to retain more customers or increase our sales. It was during this class, through various projects, that I was able to explore the world of Data Analytics and realized just how powerful it was. After, I began to find ways to use data to enhance my everyday life, like using social media analytics to identify the latest trends.

Why do you think your work is important?

Data is essential in the healthcare industry. More and more, we are seeing the use of technology to improve the accuracy of healthcare services and the overall improvement of our health. In the insurance field where I work, it is especially important as it simplifies and enhances the speed at which our customers get aid.

What suggestions would you give to other girls/women who are interested in getting into the field?

The field of Technology and Data can be very intimidating for young women, but believe me when I tell you there is space for you here! Your knowledge, skills, and ability to think outside the box are needed here. Your perspective and your opinions are wanted here to enhance the industry further. Don’t be afraid to speak up or take space, but even more, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Today we celebrate Jernelle and her contributions to the healthcare and insurance industries!


The Data Science Process


Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Chelsi Florant