Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Three Keys to Successful Automation

Automating a work process can revolutionize how businesses operate, driving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing accuracy. However, as an Automation & Data Engineer, I’ve learned that in order to achieve these benefits, it is critical to focus on three key elements: a stable manual process, good data quality, and detailed documentation of requirements.

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Regulation or Stifling Innovation? Why we Should Regulate Artificial Intelligence Systems

In 2024, the world’s first comprehensive Artificial Intelligence (AI) law was passed by the European Union (EU). The AI Act takes a risk-based approach to regulating how AI systems in the EU will be used and is expected to be fully adopted within the next 24 (and in some cases, 36) months.

While the use of AI has tremendous benefits in healthcare, disaster…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

How a Girl in ICT Became a Woman in Tech

In a world where stereotypes often dictate career choices, I chose to pursue a career in a male-dominated field. My fascination with technology began around the age of 9 when I discovered the world of video games, particularly Nintendo classics. The thrill of exploring virtual worlds ignited my curiosity, and when my family bought our first desktop computer, my enthusiasm for technology was only…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Gen AI for All

As the only data engineer on a small team, I always strive to be at my maximum productivity. As Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) tools, such as ChatGPT and DALL-E, have become increasingly popular, companies are starting to realize that there is value in enabling employees’ productivity through the use of Gen AI. I’ve observed and will be sharing how the integration of Gen AI tools…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Understanding the Data Analytics Spectrum

If you want to discover meaningful insights and make informed decisions about your work, projects, or even your personal habits, it is imperative that you understand the different types of analysis. There are four main types of data analytics, namely descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Each one is used to accomplish a different goal and employ the use of varying...

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Unleashing Efficiency Through Automation

In the digital age, automating data extraction and processing is a strategic imperative for businesses. As an Automation and Data Engineer, it’s my job to ensure that data flows smoothly from one place to the next, with as little manual effort as possible. Not only does this expedite processes, but it fortifies the reliability and precision of information handling. Although some people are…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Case Study: Socioeconomic Impacts of Viral Public Health Shocks on the Caribbean Region

About a year ago, I started a research project to identify the socioeconomic impacts of viral public health shocks on the Cariibean region. I examined data from 6 outbreaks in different time periods to attempt to identify patterns over the years that could potentially lead to a knowledge bank of lessons learned from different regions and innovative approaches to addressing public…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Lessons from a Six-Month-Old Data Engineer

Over the past six months, my journey as a data engineer has been nothing short of enlightening! The core lesson I've embraced is the critical importance of reliable data sources. Data engineers are like architects, constructing intricate information structures, and for these structures to stand strong, the foundation of reliable data is paramount…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Comparing the Cloud Giants: GCP, Azure, and AWS for Data-Driven Success

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are three of the most prominent cloud service providers, each offering a wide range of cloud computing services and tools for business, data analytics, and data science. In my opinion, these platforms generally enable you to accomplish the same goals, but while this may be true in some circumstances…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Storytelling with Data

The skill of data storytelling is instrumental in delivering compelling presentations. Anyone can create charts and graphs and add them to a powerpoint, but not everyone can use data to effectively communicate a message. Data storytelling is the art of using, contextualizing and presenting data in order to create a narrative. So, it’s not only about visualizing the data and presenting it to an…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

The Data Science Process

If you’re interested in working on data science projects to build your portfolio or to solve problems at work, there is a typical structure that you should be aware of before getting started. While the art of problem solving in the world of data science is never linear, the process generally remains the same. Whether I’m working on a research project or a project of personal interest, these are…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Jernelle Jno Baptiste

It’s the last week of Women’s History Month and I just had to do something to celebrate! As a woman in data, I think it’s important to connect with other women like me, but I also think it’s important to show others the diversity in data professions. You could be an analyst, an engineer, a scientist, and much more. Data professionals also work in different industries and solve a plethora of problems…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Chelsi Florant

It’s the last week of Women’s History Month and I just had to do something to celebrate! As a woman in data, I think it’s important to connect with other women like me, but I also think it’s important to show others the diversity in data professions. You could be an analyst, an engineer, a scientist, and much more. Data professionals also work in different industries and solve a plethora of problems…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Arielle Khan

It’s the last week of Women’s History Month and I just had to do something to celebrate! As a woman in data, I think it’s important to connect with other women like me, but I also think it’s important to show others the diversity in data professions. You could be an analyst, an engineer, a scientist, and much more. Data professionals also work in different industries and solve a plethora of problems…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Shaniah Edwards

It’s the last week of Women’s History Month and I just had to do something to celebrate! As a woman in data, I think it’s important to connect with other women like me, but I also think it’s important to show others the diversity in data professions. You could be an analyst, an engineer, a scientist, and much more. Data professionals also work in different industries and solve a plethora of problems…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Vynliz Dailey

It’s the last week of Women’s History Month and I just had to do something to celebrate! As a woman in data, I think it’s important to connect with other women like me, but I also think it’s important to show others the diversity in data professions. You could be an analyst, an engineer, a scientist, and much more. Data professionals also work in different industries and solve a plethora of problems…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Caribbean Women in Data with Chennel Williams

It’s the last week of Women’s History Month and I just had to do something to celebrate! As a woman in data, I think it’s important to connect with other women like me, but I also think it’s important to show others the diversity in data professions. You could be an analyst, an engineer, a scientist, and much more. Data professionals also work in different industries and solve a plethora of problems…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Who Needs Data Analysis Skills?

If you are doing research, implementing a new strategy at your company, improving something about yourself or trying to make decisions based on trends, you need data analysis skills. Data analysis is the process of examining data to understand and interpret it, and you don’t need to be highly gifted with technical or statistical skills to be good at it. You just need to be able to make

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

3 Reasons Why Data Engineering Matters

In a highly technical world where several trillion bytes of data are generated everyday, it is not enough to make important decisions based on a “hunch” or a “gut feeling” especially when they are decisions that affect businesses or livelihoods. Across every possible industry, access to big data drives decision-making as we can tie outcomes to historic actions and even…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Session Summary: What to do with a World of Data

Hi DataFam! I hope you're all enjoying the holidays and looking forward to the new year. This is my final blog for 2022 and I can’t believe that it has already been one year since I started blogging!

In this blog, which is long overdue, I will be sharing a loose transcript from my Women in Tech Caribbean Conference talk dubbed “What to do with a World of Data”. During the conference in August, I shared 4 use-cases across different industries indicating what types of problems people can solve with data and

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