Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Get Certified: Azure Fundamentals

In the last year and a half, I’ve been working with cloud technologies to store, transform and process data, and while on-the-job training is great, I wanted to explore additional avenues to learn about the concepts that I had not yet experienced at work. I figured that the best way to learn about things I hadn’t experienced or tools that I hadn’t used was to seek formal…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

One Year Working With Data

People always say that time flies when you’re having fun, and I can definitely see why. I started my data career in 2021 and I can’t believe how quickly a year has gone by! After graduating last year, I went through an engaging and hands-on training program at work to learn about the energy industry and relevant tools and software. As a newcomer to the industry and as a data

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Case Study: Building a Data Pipeline to Recommend Health-Conscious Skincare Products to Consumers

For just over one year now, I’ve been working in the data field as a consultant, primarily developing my data engineering skills. As I learned more about data warehouses, cloud technologies and business intelligence at work, I felt a need to invest my time into some formal training which I believe would further supplement my on-the-job training. As I was searching for co

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Where Do I Start?

As people continue to discover the realm of data science, a question I often see is, “Where do I start?” This is tricky because in the same way that the term “technology” is broad, so too is the term “data science.” There is no right answer to this question, and

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Free Resources for Data Visualization

Looking at data and trying to gain value from it can be daunting, especially when you have thousands or millions of records to peruse or analyze. Regardless of the size of your dataset, it’s very important to examine data in a manner that’s easy to digest. In other words, it is often easier to understand data if it’s in a visual format. Putting data into a visual format is called Data Visualization. This is

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Case Study: Using Data to Predict Storms

In February 2022, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the World Bank and the University of the West Indies published a call for data scientists around the world to participate in the first ever…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Top 10 Data Trends in 2022

In the last few years, we have seen an increase in the need for digital services due to global lockdowns and public health protocols. Organizations around the world are starting to realize that…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

Data Science 101

Many of you have probably heard the term “Data Science” before, but you may or may not know exactly what it is or why it matters. Google searches will return various definitions of data science…

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Odessa Elie-David Odessa Elie-David

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Over the years, I have been pondering on what I want to do with my life and how I, as an introvert, can give something meaningful back to society. For a long time…

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